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Inaugural Parliamentary and Press Reception

Tuesday 1st February 2022, Carlton Club, St James, London

The Global Britain Centre launched on Tuesday 1st February with a Westminster reception.

● The event was attended by a cross-party group of more than 30 MPs, and a dozen Ambassadors and High Commissioners.

● Guest keynote speaker, Professor Brahma Chellaney urged the UK to play a more assertive role to counter China’s dangerous “authoritarian capitalism”.

● Aman Bhogal and Lewis Feilder announced the GBC's aims and mission to bang the drum for a Global Britain that strengthens Free Democracies, Free Trade and Free Enterprise to shine as a beacon of at home and a force for good overseas.


The launch reception also received a ringing endorsement from Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, who sent his best wishes for the launch reception and expressed his support for the Global Britain Centre. 

First aired at the GBC Parliamentary and Press reception at the Carlton Club, London Tuesday 1st February, 2022

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